Book a Free Kids Trial Class

Fitness for all ages!!

(Ages 5-8)  At this stage of the program, we put the FUN in functional by imparting multi directional skills through engrossing situations and games. Scientific studies have proven that multi directional exercises not only ‘strengthen the connection between the brain and muscles’ but also significantly improve the nervous system.

Our focus is on helping our members delve and discover coordination, primarily teaching them the nuances of balance, spatial awareness, rhythm and reactivity to improve brain and body function. An essential component of the program, teamwork, is introduced through games in a friendly and encouraging environment.

(Ages 9-12)  The majority of kids and youth that are currently engaged in sports are usually over programmed with games and practices every day and are encouraged to specialize in one sport sooner to excel faster. The development of the athletic engine is lost, with the joy of movement and physical confidence disappearing as well.

The nervous system is highly trainable at a young age. The greatest effect occurs in pre-pubertal athletes (approx. 9-12 yrs.) as their body experiences its peak rate of nervous system maturation. This is an important window of opportunity to lay down athletic programming and ride the wave of the nervous system’s natural development phase. It is an ideal time to develop motor skills, movement patterns and enhanced balance systems.

Our primary focus is an advanced/combination of coordination development. We work on improving balance, movement skills, suppleness and increasing bodyweight strength. The learning environment is always fun as we utilize games to integrate calisthenic movements while developing overall strength through the core. Teamwork and cooperation are key components of this program.

(Ages 13+)  The teen strength and conditioning program is designed to give teens of all ages, levels, and athletic backgrounds access to the benefits of functional training—including improved general physical preparedness, injury prevention, and a positive relationship with exercise—which lead to increased success in high school sports and a foundation for a lifetime of healthy physical activity. Classes include close instruction and coaching through warm ups (including mobility and bulletproofing), strength and technical work, high intensity conditioning, and cool downs in a fun, challenging environment. Programming is constantly varied and makes use of the resources of an adult equipped gym, and the exact content of each class is tailored to participants’ individual abilities, needs and goals.



At RX30, we want to motivate and empower kids and teens to make good decisions about their health!